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Tools& Programs

Here are some tools that I’ve made over the course of a few years. Many of these were created spontaneously when I needed them because I often find myself in situations where I need to organize something or perform an action a bunch of times and there’s no good way to do it quickly. Really, they’re just a bunch of helpers that have made life easier for me.

Vad Studio’s Organizer

version: pyrite 2.0.0
using: Iron Python

This is the organizer! After about 15 smaller iterations and 4 major iterations, it's come a long way.  The original purpose of the first organizer was to organize all the Anime I was starting to watch. It was a very focused and specific program that was, honetly, quite unwieldy.  4 major iterations later, I now have a more generic program that can organize almost anything and has a nice filtering system.

How To Use:

Since this is a custom project, the way the organizer is used may be a bit different from expected, so here's a quick breakdown of how this guy works.

1. Data is is semi-colon separated. This means if you have a row in the table titled Genre, and the movie or show had multiple genres, you can just enter each genre separated by a semi-colon.

2. The filtering of data works in a similar fashion to data entry; you give a conditional statement and then separate each statement using semi-colons or commas. Semi-colons represent OR statements and commas represent AND statements. Using this you can chain together search parameters. (Example on left shows an OR statement)

(Example of an AND statement)

3. The search filter also accepts > , >= , < , and , <= Using these you can make comparisons with numbers.

4. You can use an equal sign by itself to list all available header options in this database.

5. using an equal sign after a header value will display all possible values for that header.

6. And finally, you can just type anything that isn't a conditional here and perform a quicksearch.

Vad Studio's Renamer

using: Visual Basic

This program is a cure all for batch renaming of files or folders. Utilizing Regular Expressions, you can find, replace, and append data to names of files and folders.

NOTE: Please remember to generate the example before you actually execute the renaming.

Vad Studio's Picture Organizer

using: C#

This was written for the special purpose of making my picture library organized. Written in C# this program will allow you to drag and drop pictures into the list and then individually or batch update the names and locations where they should be stored.  

This particular version of the organizer is based off a very strange naming system I developed that used double underscores as the special separator and I’m probably going to change it to something more reasonable. The initial reason for this however, was for the avoidance of any spaces in the filename because I was going cross platform and Linux requires the ‘\’ character to denote spaces in the terminal.

NOTE: Clicking in the box labeled Root Directory will allow you to choose the root of your picture library.